Saved Video
User guides
- Adjust saved video resolution, image quality, or frame rateVideo settings can be customized for each camera and video device.
- Associate a security device to a continuously recording cameraAssociate a supported security device to a continuously recording video camera to find relevant recordings quickly.
- Change saved video view layoutThe Saved Video page can be viewed in multiple formats.
- Change the number of days to keep video clips before deletionRecorded video clips can be deleted after a user customized duration or kept indefinitely.
- Delete a video clipSaved video clips can be deleted to make room in the online storage for new clips to be recorded. By default, the oldest saved video clips will be deleted as new ones are recorded after the online storage is full.
- Download a video clipVideo clips can be downloaded in multiple formats.
- Download saved video from an SVR/CSVRSaved video can be downloaded from the Stream Video Recorder.
- Download saved video from Onboard Recording (SD card)Onboard Recording saved video can be downloaded using the Customer Website.
- Export video using the ADC-CSVR126 local interfaceThe Commercial-Grade Stream Video Recorder allows the user to export video clips to a third-party storage device (e.g., a flash/thumb drive, external hard drive, etc.) using its local interface.
- Export video using the local interface for 2000P and 2100P series CSVRsThe 2000P and 2100P series CSVRs (ADC-CSVR2000P/1008P/2016P/2108P/2116P) allow the user to export video clips using its local interface.
- Export video using the local interface for the ADC-SVR210The 2000P and 2100P series CSVRs (ADC-CSVR2000P/1008P/2016P/2108P/2116P) allow the user to export video clips using its local interface.
- Leave feedback on saved video clipsWith Video Feedback, customers using Video Analytics can let us know whether the content captured in specific saved clips was useful or not.
- Protect a video clipVideo clips can be protected from automatic, manual, or accidental deletion.
- Reformat an SD card installed in a video deviceAn Onboard Recording SD card can be reformatted using the Customer Website.
- Rename a video clipVideo clips can be renamed to be more easily found or to describe the contents of the clip.
- View continuously recorded video using Smart ViewVideo recorded to an SD from a compatible camera can be viewed using the app or website.
- View saved videoSaved video from cameras and video devices can be viewed from the app and website.