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View continuously recorded video using Smart View

Stream footage is recorded using a Stream Video Recorder (SVR) or an Onboard Recording rule at any time using Smart View. Playback of continuously recorded video is available using the customer website or app.

To access Smart View

  1. Log into the app.
  2. Tap Video.
  3. Tap Live.
  4. Tap video-camera.svg  on the desired camera to view SVR/CSVR/Onboard Recording footage.

    Continuous recording with smart view
  1. Log into the customer website.
  2. Click Video.
  3. Click Onboard 24/7 Timeline or SVR Timeline.
  4. Using the video device dropdown menu, select the desired device to play back.
  5. Click icn-circle-play.svg to stream the device's recorded video.

Smart View timeline bar.png

Smart View playback controls

Basic controls
  • Play  play footage.
  • step-forward-15.svg skip forward 15 seconds.
  • step-back-15.svg skip backward 15 seconds.
  • 1x refers to the currently selected playback speed.*
Timeline scale controls
  • Date choose a specific playback date or time.
  • Pinch the timeline to zoom in or expand the range of the displayed timeline.
  • Tap a marker on the Smart View timeline to jump to that point in time. 
Basic controls
  • Play  play footage.
  •  skip forward 30 seconds.
  •  skip backward 30 seconds.
  • 1x refers to the currently selected playback speed.
  • Date choose a specific playback date.
  • Pan tilt video  digitally zoom to look more closely at the playback. For more information about the digital zoom feature, see the Digital Zoom section in View live video.
Timeline scale controls
  • HOUR and DAY buttons are available to adjust the timeline scale using the customer website.
  • Details skip ahead by the current timeline scale.
  • Collapse skip back by the current timeline scale.

Additional features available using the customer website

Hotkey navigation
Timeline event filters using the customer website
  1. If the Activity pane is closed, click Healthcheck.svg.
  2. Click Filter.
  3. Using the available dropdown menus, select the desired event filters.
  4. Click Apply.

    Smart View activity filter.png
Expand and collapse concurrent timelines
  • Click icn-timeline-expand.svg to view only one camera's timeline bar
  • Click icn-timeline-collapse.svg to view all selected camera timelines at once. 
Download save clip from the Onboard Recordings
  1. Log into the customer website.
  2. Click Video.
  3. Click Onboard 24/7 Timeline.
  4. Click Download to export direct video and select Export Video.
  5. Using the camera selection dropdown menu, select the desired device.
  6. In the Download Video pop-up window, choose the day, start time, whether to include audio, and a duration of up to 15 minutes.

  7. Click Export.
  8. Click Ok.
  9. The requested clip will begin downloading to the computer being used.

Additional features available using the app

Timeline navigation
  • Tap a marker on the Smart View timeline to jump to that point in time.
  • Scroll back and forth on the timeline to move through the activity feed history.
  • Pinch the timeline to zoom in or expand the range of the displayed timeline.
Timeline event filters using the app
  1. Tap Filter.
  2. Tap to select the desired event filters.
  3. Tap Apply.

    Smart view timeline filter using the app
Landscape activity feed 

You can access activity feed recorded events in landscape view using the app.

  1. Log into the app.
  2. Tap Video.
  3. Tap Live
  4. Tap to select the desired camera.
  5. Tap video-camera.svg on the desired camera to view.
  6. Turn the phone to landscape position. 
  7. Tap Health check.

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