Download a video clip
Saved video clips can be downloaded in multiple formats using the app or customer website. For more information about different format options, see In what file formats are snapshots and video clips saved?.
To download a video clip on-demand, you must first request a recording using either the app or the customer website, then follow the steps on this page. For more information about requesting an on-demand recording, see Take a video recording.
Download a previously recorded video clip
Previously recorded video clips can be downloaded using the customer website or app.
To download a previously recorded video clip using the app:
- Log into the app.
- Tap Video. To find a video clip from a specific time and date, see Find a specific clip.
- Tap Saved.
- Tap
on the desired clip.
- Tap
Note: If you have not selected a preferred download format, you are prompted to do so before the clip begins downloading.
To download a previously recorded video clip using the customer website: 
- Log into the customer website.
- Click Video.
- Click Saved Video Clips. To find a video clip from a specific time and date, see Find a specific clip.
- Mouse over the desired clip, then click
- Click
Download Clip. The download starts automatically.
Note: If you have not selected a preferred download format, you are prompted to do so before the clip begins downloading.
To download multiple clips at once:
- Log into the customer website.
- Click Video.
- Click Saved Video Clips. To find clips from a specific time and date, see Find a specific clip.
- Click Bulk Actions.
- Click to select the desired clips or click
to select all the videos shown on the page.
- Click
. The download starts automatically.
Note: If you have not selected a preferred download format, you are prompted to do so before the clip begins downloading.