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What is the frame rate for video?

The video frame rate determines how smooth the playback appears. The higher the number, the smoother the video. Live video and saved video frame rates can differ between each other.

Live video frame rate video devices stream live video with the highest frame rate the network and video device permit.

On a local area network (LAN), the maximum FPS may be achieved but can be lower if the available bandwidth is too low, shared by multiple cameras, or shared by multiple simultaneous viewers. Reducing resolution or image quality may increase the FPS when viewing live video from remote connections.

Adjust live video image quality and resolution
  1. Log into the customer website.
  2. Click Video.
  3. Click Settings.
  4. Using the Video Device dropdown menu, select the desired video device.
  5. Click Live Video then make the desired changes. The settings available to change vary by video device.
  6. Click Save.
  1. Log into the customer app.
  2. Tap Video .
  3. Tap Configure.
  4. Tap the desired camera.
  5. Tap Video
  6. In Live Video Resolution, select the desired resolution.
  7. Tap Image Settings and adjust the live video settings as desired. 
  8. Tap Save.

Saved video frame rate

Users can choose the target frame rate for saved video. The available frame rates can range from 1 FPS to 30 FPS depending on the video device. A Stream Video Recorder (SVR) or Onboard Recording rule can match the chosen frame rate of each individual video device. The maximum frame rate an SVR or Onboard Recording rule can match is 30 FPS.

Note: Internet speeds, browser performance, and/or bandwidth can affect the quality of the image when viewing from the customer website or app. For best results or to see true image quality, it is suggested to download the clip.

Adjust saved video settings

Saved video settings can be adjusted using the customer website and app.

  1. Log into the customer website.
  2. Click Video.
  3. Click Settings.
  4. Using the Video Device dropdown menu, select the desired camera.
  5. Click Saved Video.
  6. To make changes to the available settings:
    • Using the Resolution (pixels) dropdown menu, select the desired video resolution.
    • Using the Image Quality dropdown menu select the desired video image quality.
    • Using the Frame Rate dropdown menu, select the desired video frame rate.

      saved video image quality settings
      Note: Some settings cannot be changed on select cameras. If the setting is unavailable, it will be grayed out on the customer website.

      grayed out setting
  7. Click Save.
  1. Log into the app.
  2. Tap Video .
  3. Tap Configure.
  4. Tap the desired camera. 
  5. Tap Video
  6. Adjust the saved video settings as desired. 
    • Using the Clip Resolution dropdown menu, tap to select the desired saved clip resolution.
    • Tap Clip Quality Settings to adjust the image quality and frame rate of saved clips. 
    • Tap Clip Length Settings to adjust alarm, camera-triggered, and event-triggered clips. 

      Clip Resolution.png
  7. Tap Save.

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