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When does live or saved video contain audio?

Live video contains audio when streamed in the app. Saved and downloaded video contains audio when the video device records a clip based on a cloud recording rule (i.e., camera- or event-triggered). A cloud recording rule is any rule that records and uploads an individual video clip to the customer account to view later.

When is audio recorded?

All video device audio requires a service package that supports audio for non-doorbell cameras and a video device that can record sound.

Recording method Audio recorded
Camera- or event-triggered clips (e.g., Video Analytics, a door opening etc.) Yes*
Stream Video Recorder Yes**
Onboard Recording Yes

*Note: Video files received from an email or MMS notification do not contain audio.

**The CSVR 2000P series models support recorded audio.

Audio playback support by platform

Platform Live video Saved video clips 24/7 recording app Check Check icn-close.svg customer website icn-close.svg Check icn-close.svg
TV app icn-close.svg - -
Downloaded clip - Check* icn-close.svg

*Note: Video files received from an email or MMS (i.e., message with an attached file) notification do not contain audio.

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