Change the number of days to keep video clips before deletion
Users can limit how many days a video clip can stay on their account. By default, the clips stay on the account until your online storage is filled. After the online storage is full, unprotected video clips are deleted from oldest to newest as new clips are recorded.
To change how many days a video clip can stay in online storage:
This setting applies to individual cameras. Each camera on the account must be configured for clips to be deleted and at a specific age.
Note: The maximum available for the Limit the number of days to keep clips setting is determined by your service provider. If you have questions regarding this maximum, please reach out to your service provider for additional details.
- Log into the customer website.
- Click Video.
- Click Settings.
- Using the Video Device dropdown menu, select the video device to edit. If you have more than one camera to edit, repeat the steps as necessary.
- Click Saved Video.
- Using the Limit the number of days to keep clips dropdown menu, select the number of days to keep clips before automatic deletion.
Caution: Changing Limit the number of days to keep clips to anything other than Unlimited will remove protected clips along with unprotected clips. For more information about protecting a video clip, see Protect a video clip. - Click Save.
Video clips do not stay on the account long enough
If your video clips are being overwritten too quickly, your camera may be recording too much or the storage on your account may be too small. Contact your service provider for assistance. For help reaching your service provider, see Contact your service provider.
To learn more about online storage and upload limits, see What happens when an account's video clip online storage limit is reached?.