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User guides

  • Change the thermostat modeThe thermostat mode can be changed remotely so you can set your thermostat to heat, cool, or off from anywhere.
  • Change thermostat overshoot settingsThermostat overshoot determines the number of degrees the thermostat will keep the system on above (during heating) or below (during cooling) the target setpoint.
  • Change thermostat temperature swing settingsThe thermostat temperature swing is the number of degrees above (for cooling) and below (for heating) the target setpoint the HVAC system will allow the temperature to fluctuate before cycling back on.
  • Create/edit a thermostat Fan ScheduleThermostat Fan Schedules are used to automatically control the HVAC fan in your home or business to help save on energy costs while you are away and keep you comfortable while you are home or asleep. Thermostat Fan Schedules can be edited from the website.
  • Create/edit a thermostat temperature alert notificationA Thermostat Temperature Alert notification can notify users if an Smart Thermostat (Smart Thermostat HD, ADC-T3000, and ADC-T2000) or other Z-Wave thermostat reports a temperature above or below a specified temperature.
  • Edit a Thermostat ScheduleThermostat Schedules are used to automatically control the temperature in your home or business to help save on energy costs while you are away and keep you comfortable while you are home or asleep. Thermostat Schedules can be edited from the app and website.
  • Enable/disable a thermostat Fire Safety ruleTo prevent the circulation of smoke and poisonous gas and potential HVAC system damage, a Thermostat Fire Safety rule automatically turns off the HVAC system if a fire or carbon monoxide alarm is reported.
  • Enable/disable Thermostat LockThe Thermostat Lock feature provides the ability to lock all physical control of the thermostat. When Thermostat Lock is enabled, thermostat settings can only be changed from a computer or mobile device. A partial Thermostat Lock will allow setpoint changes to be made from the thermostat, but will prevent mode changes.
  • Operate the Smart ThermostatThe Smart Thermostat (Smart Thermostat HD, ADC-T3000, ADC-T2000) can be operated locally in addition to the remote control features on the website and app.
  • Use an Temperature Sensor with an Smart ThermostatPairing an Temperature Sensor with an Smart Thermostat allows for greater control over the overall temperature of your home. A Temperature Sensor can be used for schedules, or when making changes to the thermostat's temperature using the Customer Website or Customer app.
  • View Thermostat Activity PatternsThermostat Activity Patterns show when the system location is likely occupied or vacant. This information is based on system sensor activity and is used to help you configure more efficient Thermostat Schedules.


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