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What is Pro HVAC Monitoring?

HVAC Pro Monitoring allows customers to be connected directly to an HVAC professional in the event of a system failure. After opting into the program, alerts for HVAC system-specific are sent out to you and a trusted HVAC professional. This allows for quicker resolutions to any HVAC trouble condition.


  • An eligible thermostat
    Note: Nest Thermostats are not compatible with Pro HVAC Monitoring.
  • An eligible HVAC professional in your service area

If the option to opt into the Pro HVAC Monitoring does not appear, contact your service provider for more information. 


After opting into the Pro HVAC Monitoring program:

  • Your information will be shared with a partnered HVAC professional in your service area.
  • You will be automatically subscribed to receive Severe HVAC Alerts to your primary email. 
    Note: These alerts are not available to customers who do not opt into the Pro HVAC Monitoring program.
  • The partnered HVAC professional will also receive alerts when there is a Severe HVAC Alert for your system, who can then contact you to resolve the alert.

To opt into the Pro HVAC Monitoring program:

If your account meets all of the eligibility requirements for the Pro HVAC Monitoring program, a prompt will appear upon next log into either the customer website or app.

The prompt will display information about the program as well as the address and logo of the partnered HVAC professional that will service your area. Clicking or tapping I agree to the Pro HVAC Monitoring Terms of Service and I Agree, you will be opted into the program.

Note: If I do not agree is selected, or if the prompt is ignored, you still have the option to do so manually using the customer website.

Pro HVAC Monitoring Mobile Opt-In Option
To opt in manually using the customer website:
  1. Log into the customer website.
  2. In the Thermostats card, click Details.
  3. Click Pro HVAC Monitoring.
  4. Click Settings.
  5. Click the Enable Pro HVAC Monitoring toggle to opt into the program.

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