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Z-Wave sensor is in malfunction

 The Malfunction trouble condition indicates a device is unable to properly communicate. This article relates specifically to Z-Wave sensors. For alarm sensors, refer to your service provider for assistance.

Note: The Z-Wave sensor status may also appear as offline

If a Z-Wave sensor is in malfunction or offline: 

  1. Verify the Z-Wave sensor has sufficient battery power. Replace the battery if the device has a Low Battery trouble condition or the battery is dead.
  2. Trigger the device to establish communication with the panel or hub. Depending on the sensor type, triggering the sensor may include:
    • Opening and closing a contact sensor 
    • Activating a motion sensor
    • Pressing a side button on the sensor 
    • Opening the battery compartment
  3. If the behavior is still not resolved, contact your service provider for assistance.

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