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Irrigation device is in malfunction

The Malfunction trouble condition indicates a device is unable to properly communicate.

Note: The irrigation device status may also appear as offline

If an irrigation device is in malfunction or offline:

  1. Verify the Rachio controller is plugged in and powered on.
  2. If the Wi-Fi network has changed credentials or routers, reconnect the Rachio controller to the Wi-Fi network. For more information about how to reconnect the Rachio controller to a Wi-Fi network, refer to this Rachio guide:
  3. If the above steps do not resolve the behavior, contact your service provider for assistance.
  1. Verify the Rain Bird controller is plugged in.
  2. Verify the controller dial is not in the Off position.
  3. If the Wi-Fi network has changed credentials or routers, reconnect the Rain Bird controller to the Wi-Fi network. For more information about how to reconnect the Rain Bird controller to a Wi-Fi network, refer to this Rain Bird guide:
  4. If the above steps do not resolve the behavior, contact your service provider for assistance.

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