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Business Activity Analytics (BAA) Setup

Feature Notice: Video Analytics offers simpler activity monitoring that is compatible with many cameras and account types. For more information about Video Analytics, see Configure a Video Analytics rule.

Business Activity Analytics overview

Business Activity Analytics is a feature that transforms your security cameras into powerful monitoring devices, which help optimize business operations. Business Activity Analytics allows business owners to better understand traffic patterns and improve their business operations.

Account and hardware compatibility

Service package requirements
  • A Commercial Video service package with the Business Activity Analytics Add-On
Compatible camera models

BAA requires one of the following camera models:

  • ADC-V523/523X
  • ADC-V723/723X
  • ADC-V724/724X
  • ADC-VC728PF
  • ADC-VC838PF
  • ADC-VC827P
  • ADC-VC847PF
  • ADC-V729/V729AC/VC729P
Optimal camera placement

Business Activity Analytics is only possible as a result of object detection algorithms found within BAA compatible cameras. In order for BAA to function properly, the following requirements must be met:

Calibrate the camera properly

Calibrate the camera for detection of each person's head, torso and feet. or more information about camera calibration, see Calibrate a device for Video Analytics.

Place the camera properly
  • Verify that one person is not preventing the detection of another person
  • Verify that there are no objects that obstruct the view of a person that should be detected
Verify the lighting supports proper functionality
  • During the day, verify that the camera view makes it easy to recognize and distinguish people
  • During the night, verify that the camera's IR lighting stays unobstructed by other light sources/reflections which prevent object detection from working as intended

Note: In most cases, a relatively top-down bird's eye view camera angle will satisfy all of the previous requirements for object detection. The camera angle should not exceed sixty degrees.

Top-down properly mounted camera

Camera pointing straight down at a person walking by

Less than 60° properly mounted camera

Camera pointing at an angle down at a person walking by


BAA rule types

Business Activity Analytics features five individual rules to help businesses collect specific data and receive alerts that matter. Rules may support alerting and reports. Read below for a summary of each rule and what it supports. All notifications and reports are available for both single system and multi-system accounts.

BAA rule features matrix
Feature Heat Mapping Occupancy + People Counting People Counting Crowd Gathering Queue Monitoring
Rule Type Ground Zone Tripwire Tripwire Ground Zone Ground Zone
Reports - Check Check Check Check
Heat Mapping Page Check - - - -
Report Frequency - Weekly Daily, weekly, monthly Weekly Daily, weekly, monthly
Thresholds - Check - Check Check
Notifications - Check Check Check Check
Max rules per camera 1 3 3 3 3

Rule creation

Business Activity Analytics rules may be set up using the customer website or app. Using the customer website is recommended because users can more easily draw areas of interest and tripwires.

To configure BAA rule reports and notifications:

  1. Log into the customer website.
  2. Click DetailsOn the Business Activity Analytics card.
  3. Click Reports or Notifications.
  4. Click the desired report or notification and configure it as desired.
Common BAA rules and reports usage

The table below highlights how business owners commonly implement BAA to optimize their business.

User Intention

BAA Rule Type


I want to see which part of my business is the liveliest throughout the week. Heat Maps Heat Maps distinguish the most popular locations within a virtual ground zone. Higher activity zones are shown in red while lower activity zones are shown in blue.
I want to track the total number of visitors within my business. Occupancy + People Counting  Occupancy + People Counting rules keep track of the total number of visitors on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis.
I want to track the peak time and peak number of visitors within my business. Occupancy + People Counting  Occupancy + People Counting rules keep track of the peak time and peak number of visitors on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis.
I want to know if the total number of visitors within my business exceeds a certain number.  Occupancy + People Counting  Occupancy + People Counting rules keep track of the number of times the occupancy exceeds a user-set threshold on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis.
My business has multiple entrances and I want to see which entrance is the most often used.  People Counting People Counting rules can be used to count the number of people passing through each entrance. 
I want to see how visitors move around my business. People Counting  People Counting rules can be used to count the number of people passing through each tripwire. Visitor movement can be determined by comparing the number of entrances shown by multiple People Counting rules.
I want to know the average wait time of my visitors who are waiting in queue. Queue Monitoring  Queue Monitoring rules allow users to learn key insights (such as average wait time) about their queue.
I want to know the average number of visitors waiting in queue.  Queue Monitoring  Queue Monitoring rules allow users to learn key insights (such as average number of customers) about their queue.
I want to know the average number of visitors within a given area of interest. Crowd Gathering  Crowd Gathering rules allow users to create virtual ground zones which measure the average number of visitors within the ground zone. 
I recently added a new attraction (live music, demonstration, arcade, etc.) and want to know the most popular times that visitors gather around the attraction. Crowd Gathering  Crowd Gathering rules allow users to create virtual ground zones which measure the liveliest times within the ground zone. 
Common BAA notifications usage

Business Activity Analytics offers live notifications for users. These notifications are based on BAA rules and will notify the user either through text or email based on user preference.

User Intention

BAA Notification Type


I want to be notified when the number of people within my store exceeds a certain number. Occupancy + People Counting  Occupancy + People Counting notifications will send out an alert if the number of people within a business exceeds a user-defined threshold.
I want to be notified when the number of people in queue exceeds a certain number.  Queue Monitoring  Queue Monitoring notifications will send out an alert if the total number of people within a queue exceeds a user-defined threshold.
I want to be notified when the wait time of a queue exceeds a certain time.  Queue Monitoring  Queue Monitoring notifications will send out an alert if the wait time within a queue exceeds a user-defined threshold.
I want to be notified when the number of people within an area of interest exceeds a certain number. Crowd Gathering  Crowd Gathering will send out an alert if the number of people within a ground zone exceeds a user-defined threshold. 

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