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Create and manage Multi-Level Enterprise Groups

Multi-Level Enterprise Groups are higher-level groups that allow users with Multi-Level Enterprise Groups to view and access individual Enterprise groups and the locations within each group.

To help with understanding this page, note the following terms:

  • Enterprise group - Any group of one or more properties created in
  • Multi-Level Enterprise Group - A higher-level group created in that contains multiple groups within it.
  • Subgroup - An Enterprise group contained within a Multi-Level Enterprise Group.
  • Standalone group - An Enterprise group not contained within a Multi-Level Enterprise Group.
  • Location - A single property.
  • Administrator login - A login with all permissions active.
  • Parent login - A login that has visibility to all Enterprise groups in the Multi-Level Enterprise Group.

Create a Multi-Level Enterprise Group

Multi-Level Enterprise Groups can be created by adding multiple groups into one higher-level view or by subdividing the current group into easy-to-manage subgroups. Multi-Level Enterprise Groups can be created using the customer website.

Move an existing standalone group into an existing Multi-Level Enterprise Group

To move an existing standalone group into an existing Multi-Level Enterprise Group, the Multi-Level Enterprise Group Administrator login must first be granted access to the standalone group.

To grant the Multi-Level Enterprise Group Administrator login access to the standalone group:
  1. Log into the customer website with an Administrator login for the existing standalone group.
  2. Click Users.
  3. Click Manage Logins.
  4. Click Add Group Login.
  5. Click to select Enter login and email of an existing login, and enter the login name and email address of the Administrator login for the Multi-Level Enterprise Group.
To add a standalone group to a Multi-Level Enterprise Group:
  1. Login to the customer website using the Administrator login for the Multi-Level Enterprise Group.
  2. Using the dropdown menu, select the standalone group.
  3. Click Manage Groups.
  4. Click More.
  5. Click Move.
  6. Select the Multi-Level Enterprise Group. This will grant them access to all of the other subgroups in the Multi-Level Enterprise Group.
    Important: The login must have access to at least one Multi-Level Enterprise Group for anything to display.
  7. Click Next.
  8. Select which logins to elevate to Multi-Level Enterprise Group Logins.
  9. Click Move.
  10. The standalone group will now be a subgroup of the Multi-Level Enterprise Group.

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