Create an Enterprise Water Meter Configuration template
Setting up a Water Meter Configuration template for an Enterprise group allows for consistent behavior across locations in the Enterprise group.
Note: This template will only apply the settings that are supported on the Smart Water Valve+Meter (ADC-SWM150).
To create a new water meter template using customer website:
Note: Multiple templates can be created to serve different portions of a given group.
- Log into the customer website with an Enterprise login.
- Click Settings.
- Click Water Settings.
- Click Water Meter Configuration.
- In Water Meter Configuration, click:
Template - Create a new Water Meter Configuration template
- Edit the corresponding existing Water Meter Configuration template
- Delete the corresponding existing Water Meter Configuration template
- Enter a name for the template.
- Select the desired Flow Threshold, Flow Timer, Flow Shut Valve, and Flow Sound Buzzer parameters for High, Medium, and Low flows for the template.
- In Location Selection, select which locations the template should be applied to.
- All Locations - This will apply the template to all existing locations.
- Partial Locations - This will allow the template to only be applied to selected locations.
- No Locations - This template will not be applied to any locations.
- If any new property should have the settings applied to it, click to select Apply this Template by default to any location(s) added to the group.
- Click Save.