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Create an Enterprise Water Meter Configuration template

Setting up a Water Meter Configuration template for an Enterprise group allows for consistent behavior across locations in the Enterprise group.

Note: This template will only apply the settings that are supported on the Smart Water Valve+Meter (ADC-SWM150).

To create a new water meter template using customer website:

Note: Multiple templates can be created to serve different portions of a given group.

  1. Log into the customer website with an Enterprise login.
  2. Click Settings.
  3. Click Water Settings.
  4. Click Water Meter Configuration.
  5. In Water Meter Configuration, click:
    • AddTemplate - Create a new Water Meter Configuration template
    • Edit - Edit the corresponding existing Water Meter Configuration template
    • Delete - Delete the corresponding existing Water Meter Configuration template
  6. Enter a name for the template.
  7. Select the desired Flow Threshold, Flow Timer, Flow Shut Valve, and Flow Sound Buzzer parameters for High, Medium, and Low flows for the template.
  8. In Location Selection, select which locations the template should be applied to.
    • All Locations - This will apply the template to all existing locations.
    • Partial Locations - This will allow the template to only be applied to selected locations.
    • No Locations - This template will not be applied to any locations. 
  9. If any new property should have the settings applied to it, click to select Apply this Template by default to any location(s) added to the group.
  10. Click Save.

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