Change a phone number
The primary phone number associated with the account can be changed using the app or customer website.
For information about changing phone numbers designated to receive notifications, see Add a mobile phone number to receive SMS notifications.
To change the primary account phone number using the app:
- Log into the app.
- Tap
- Tap Account Management.
- Tap Account Information.
- Tap Edit.
Note: If unable to edit this information, contact your service provider. - Enter the new phone number in the Phone Number field.
Note: Updating the primary phone number from an international number requires the country code format and number to be entered before the number (e.g., +1 612-555-1234). - Tap Update.
To change the primary account phone number using the customer website:
- Log into the customer website.
- Click Settings.
- Click Account Management.
- In Account Information, click Update Account Information.
Note: If unable to edit this information, contact your service provider. - Enter the new phone number in the Phone Number field.
Note: Updating the primary phone number from an international number requires the country code format and number to be entered before the number (e.g., +1 612-555-1234). - Click Save.