How can multiple account systems be linked?
Note: Users with Limited Device Access permission cannot be the originating login, but they can link to other logins that have a different permission type.
It is possible to link multiple customer accounts under a single login for convenient switching between accounts without having to log out of one account and logging into another.
Note: There is no limit for the number of accounts that can be linked.
Link multiple account logins under a single login name
Accounts can be linked to a login name using the following steps.
Important: The initial account creation and configuration must be completed before an account can be linked. This includes changing the new account's temporary password that is assigned during account creation.
To link multiple account logins using the app:
- Choose the main account you would like to connect with the rest. This is the login you will use whenever accessing your accounts going forward.
- Verify all the usernames and passwords for the other accounts are easily accessible.
- Log into the app.
- Tap
- If a system has not been linked yet, tap Link a System. If a system has already been linked, tap Manage Linked Systems, then tap Link a System.
- Enter the login name and password for the secondary account.
- Tap Next.
- Verify the system to be linked, then tap Confirm. This takes immediate effect in linking the accounts to the current login name.
Note: A secondary login appears for any accounts that are attached to the main account. The login that appears is the login of the main account.
To link multiple account logins using the customer website:
- Choose the main account you would like to connect with the rest. This is the login you will use whenever accessing your accounts going forward.
- Verify all usernames and passwords for the other accounts are easily accessible or known.
- Log into the customer website.
- In the system description, click
- Click Link a System.
Note: Link a System will not display for commercial logins. Manage Groups will display if the login is part of an Enterprise Group and Multi-Location Management will display if the login is not part of an Enterprise Group, but has Enterprise Location Management selected on their service package.- If a system has already been linked, click Manage Linked Systems, then click Link a System.
- If a commercial login is being used:
- Click Settings.
- Click Login Info.
- Click Linked Systems.
- Enter the username and password for the secondary account.
- Click Next.
- Verify the system to be linked, then click Confirm. This takes immediate effect in linking the accounts to the current login name.
Toggle between linked accounts
Once the accounts are linked for a login, the system's name in the menu becomes a dropdown on the app and customer website. This allows the user to toggle back and forth between any accounts linked to the login. For more information about toggling between accounts, see How do I switch between my accounts?.
Note: Granting Linked Systems only works for the login that went through the process. It does not automatically grant access to all logins associated with the accounts, so each login name that wants to have access to switch between multiple systems needs to perform the process to link multiple account logins to their login name.
Update the default system
The default system will display when the user accesses their account. The system that shows by default can be updated using the app or customer website.
Note: If the login has linked accounts using multiple dealers, emails about the system (i.e., password reset emails) will be sent using the branding associated with the dealer that manages the default system.
To update the default system using the app:
- Log into the app.
- Tap
- Tap Manage Linked Systems.
- Tap
next to the desired system, then tap Set as Default.
Note: The default system will display upon login. If the app remains open in the background of the customer's phone, the last system that was being viewed will display.
To update the default system using the customer website:
- Log into the Customer Website.
- In the system description, click
- Click Manage Linked Systems.
- Click
next to the desired system, the click Set as Default.
Unlink an account under a single login name
Individual accounts can be unlinked from one another using the app or customer website. Additionally, if an account is terminated, any additional accounts that were linked to that login will remain linked to that login.
Example: If the customer has two additional accounts that are only linked to their main account's login and their main account is terminated, the two additional accounts will still be accessible through the existing login.
To unlink an account from a login using the app:
- Log into the app.
- Tap
- Tap Manage Linked Systems.
- Tap
next to the desired system, then tap Unlink.
Note: If unlinking a system that is currently listed as the default system, the default system will be automatically updated to one the login still has access to. Users are unable to unlink an account that they are currently viewing, and will need to toggle to a different system in order to unlink their accounts. - Tap Confirm to confirm the removal. This takes immediate effect in unlinking the accounts to the current login name.
To unlink an account from a login using the customer website:
- Log into the customer website.
- In the system description, click
- Click Manage Linked Systems.
- Click
next to the desired system, then click Unlink.
Note: If unlinking a system that is currently listed as the default system, the default system will be automatically updated to one the login still has access to. Users are unable to unlink an account that they are currently viewing, and will need to toggle to a different system in order to unlink their accounts. - Click Remove System to confirm the removal. This takes immediate effect in unlinking the accounts to the current login name.
Frequently asked questions
What should I do if I am unable to link my secondary login?
If you are unable to log in with a secondary login, verify the correct login name and password is being entered. To request your login name or request a password reset link, see Login Help.
Can Enterprise Groups be linked?
Yes. Enterprise Groups can be linked by associating a login with multiple groups.
For more information, see How can multiple Enterprise Groups be linked? and Add an existing login to an Enterprise Group.