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Remotely change DSC iotega panel settings

Compatible panel settings can be changed using the app. 

Note: If these options are not available, contact your service provider for more information.

To change panel settings:

  1. Log into the app.
  2. Tap Security System.
  3. Tap configure.
  4. Tap the setting to be configured.
  5. Tap the desired value.
  6. Tap Save.

Compatible panel settings:

Setting name  Setting options Description
Sound Settings  Chime on Zone Opening Enable/Disable if the chime sounds each time an appropriately configured zone is opened. 
Sound Settings  Chime on Zone Closing Enable/Disable if the chime sounds each time an appropriately configured zone is closed. 
Sound Settings  Panel Internal Siren Enable/Disable the panel siren on the unit.
Sound Settings  Internal Buzzer Enable/Disable the internal buzzer.
Sound Settings  Partition Chime Enable/Disable the partition chime. Download only setting.

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