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Change security questions

Updating security questions and their answers helps keep the system secure and up to date.

Update security questions

Security questions can be updated using the app or customer website.

Note: If you are logged out and need assistance with your security questions, contact your service provider for assistance.

  1. Log into the app.
  2. Tap icn-menu.svg.
  3. Tap Login Information.
  4. Tap Security Question.
  5. Using the Security Question dropdown menu, select the security question.
  6. In Answer for Security Question, enter your answer for the selected security question.
  7. In the Current Password field, enter your password.
  8. Tap Save.
  1. Log into the customer website.
  2. Click Settings.
  3. Click Login Information.
  4. Click Security Question.
  5. Using the Security Question dropdown menu, select the security question.
  6. In Answer for Security Question, enter your answer for the selected security question.
  7. In the Current Password field, enter your password.
  8. Click Save.

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