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What can I do if someone is not receiving SMS text notifications?

Note: T-Mobile users cannot receive multimedia attachments (i.e., video clips and thumbnail images) and instead receive SMS messages with links to the same content. It is recommended to use push notifications. For more information, see Push Notification Benefits.

Missing notifications are typically explained by the contact having incorrect information or having their notifications paused on the account.

Note: If a Resolve button prompt is present next to a notification on the customer website, this means the notification is currently enabled but does not have any recipients. Click Resolve and follow the prompts to add notification recipients.

If someone is not receiving text (SMS) notifications

Verify that the phone number and cellular provider/carrier are correct
Using the app:
  1. Log into the app.
  2. Tap Menu.
  3. Tap Users.
  4. Tap the affected user.
  5. Tap Mobile.
  6. Make any corrections needed. If your provider is not listed, see How can I create text (SMS) notifications if my cell carrier is not an option?.
Using the customer website:
  1. Log into the customer website.
  2. Click Users.
  3. Click the affected user.
  4. Click Mobile.
  5. Make any corrections needed. If your provider is not listed, see How can I create text (SMS) notifications if my cell carrier is not an option?.
Verify that the notifications for the number are enabled
Using the app:
  1. Log into the app.
  2. Tap Menu.
  3. Tap Users.
  4. Tap the affected user.
  5. Tap Mobile.
  6. Tap the Enable toggle switch to enable notifications.
Using the customer website:
  1. Log into the customer website.
  2. Click Users.
  3. Click the affected user.
  4. Click Mobile.
  5. Click the Enable toggle switch to enable notifications.
Verify that the triggering event happened using the Activity page
Using the app:
  1. Log into the app.
  2. Tap Activity history .
  3. Verify that the event that should have triggered the notification happened. If the event did not happen as expected, contact your service provider for further assistance.
Using the customer website:
  1. Log into the customer website.
  2. Click Activity.
  3. Verify that the event that should have triggered the notification happened. If the event did not happen as expected, contact your service provider for further assistance.
Additional troubleshooting steps
  1. If everything else appears normal, the cell phone may not be receiving text messages properly.
    • Restarting the phone and ensuring it has a good cellular connection can help resolve this. Otherwise, it may be necessary to contact the cellular provider to explore additional troubleshooting options.
    • If the notification is from a video recording rule, verify that the notification is text only. The other options send MMS notifications which may behave differently from SMS and need additional troubleshooting from the cellular provider. To verify the notification is text only:
      1. Log into the customer website.
      2. Click Video
      3. Click Recording Rules.
      4. Click Edit.
      5. Using the notification dropdown menu, select Text Only.
  2. If you use T-Mobile, and your text notifications have been paused, please contact T-Mobile in regards to your personal phone and request that shortcode messages be allowed on your account.

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