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Solar device is in malfunction

The Malfunction trouble condition indicates the Solar device has been unable to communicate for over 24 hours.

Note: The Solar device status may also appear as offline

If the Solar device is in malfunction:

  1. Verify the device is communicating properly on the SolarEdge platform. If not, contact your SolarEdge service provider.
  2. If the device is communicationg properly on the SolarEdge platform, contact your service provider to request your SolarEdge account be unlinked and then re-linked to your account.
    Note: Your service provider will need your Site ID and API Key for this process.
  1. Verify the device is communicating properly on the Enphase platform. If not, contact your Enphase service provider.
  2. If the device is communicating properly on the Enphase plaform, remove the Enphase device(s) using Manage Devices on the app or customer website.
  3. Re-add the Enphase device(s) using Manage Devices on the app or customer website.

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