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Remotely arm and disarm multiple partitions at once

If the system has multiple partitions, users can remotely arm and disarm separate partitions individually using the app or customer website. Partitions are listed in alphabetical order in the app to help organize systems with large amounts of partitions.

To arm/disarm multiple partitions using the app:

  1. Log into the app.
  2. In the Security System card, swipe to navigate to the partition to adjust. Then tap to select the partition. 

    clipboard_e21710cf6593caa5e33f65fbfd0d0a70b.png clipboard_efba193167b19eb04d005206291564d1a.png
    Note: The arming states can also be changed from the Security System page by tapping Detailsin the Security System card.
  3. Tap to select the desired arming state.

To arm/disarm multiple partitions using the customer website: 

  1. Log into the customer website.
  2. In the Security System card, click any partition.

    Security System card
    Note: The arming states can also be changed from the Partitions page by clicking Detailsin the Security System card.
  3. Click to select the desired arming state.

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