New Rules Builder Overview
Supported rules
Note: Available rules depends on the service package and equipment on an account. For more information, contact your your service provider.
Arming-triggered rules
- Arming-triggered access control
- Disarming-triggered access control unlock
- Arming-triggered access control lock
- Arming-triggered light
- Disarming-triggered light on/off/dim
- Arming-triggered light on/off/dim
- Disarming-triggered color light change
- Arming-triggered color light change
- Arming-triggered lock
- Disarming-triggered unlock
- Arming-triggered lock
- Arming-triggered video
- Disarming-triggered video
- Arming-triggered video
- Arming-triggered garage
- Disarming-triggered garage open
- Arming-triggered garage close
- Arming-triggered scene
- Disarming-triggered scene
- Arming-triggered scene
- Arming-triggered shade control
- Disarming-triggered shade open/close/position
- Arming-triggered shade open/close/position
- Local disarm triggered panel image capture (this rule requires a panel with a built-in camera)
Sensor-triggered rules
- Contact sensor-triggered light
- Contact sensor opening-triggered light on/off/dim
- Contact sensor closing-triggered light on/off/dim
- Contact sensor opening-triggered color light change
- Contact sensor closing-triggered color light change
- Motion sensor-triggered light
- Motion sensor activating triggered light on
- Motion sensor inactivating-triggered light off
- Motion sensor activating-triggered color light change
- Motion sensor inactivating-triggered color light change
- Contact sensor-triggered video
- Contact sensor opening-triggered video
- Contact sensor closing-triggered video
- Contact sensor-triggered lock (auto re-lock)
- Contact sensor closing-triggered lock
- Contact sensor-triggered shade control
- Contact sensor opening-triggered shade open/close/position
- Contact sensor closing-triggered shade open/close/position
- Motion sensor-triggered shade control
- Motion sensor opening-triggered shade open/close/position
- Motion sensor closing-triggered shade open/close/position
- Sensor left open triggered thermostat
- Sensor left open-triggered AC setpoint increase
- Sensor left open-triggered Heat setpoint decrease
- Sensor left open-triggered thermostat Off mode
Lock-triggered rules
Note: Automation rules triggered by unlocking a lock are only available for keypad lock models.
- Lock-triggered panel image capture
- Unlocking-triggered panel image capture
- Lock-triggered arming
- Unlocking with user code-triggered disarm
- Locking-triggered arm
- Lock-triggered lock
- Locking-triggered lock
- Lock-triggered video
- Locking-triggered video
- Unlocking-triggered video
- Lock-triggered scene
- Locking-triggered scene
- Unlocking-triggered scene
Access control-triggered rules
- Access control triggered arming
- Double swiping-triggered arm
- Single swiping-triggered disarm
- Configure an Access Control door to accept or reject credentials based on whether a system is armed or disarmed
- Automate Access Control doors when a credential is scanned
- Unlock
- Lock when unlocked (e.g., after a closing shift, swipe to lock the door that was continuously kept unlocked during business hours)
- Unlock when locked (e.g., the first person to arrive in the morning can unlock a secure door and then allow the door to remain unlocked for business hours)
- Lock
- Configure a camera to record video when a credential is scanned
- Configure the security system to arm or disarm upon credential scan
Alarm-triggered rules
- Alarm-triggered light
- Alarm-triggered light on/off/dim
- Alarm-triggered color light change
- Fire/smoke/CO alarm-triggered unlock
Note: this rule may only be applied to one lock per account - Water-alarm triggered valve close
- Alarm-triggered shade control
- Alarm-triggered shade open/close/position
- Alarm-triggered image capture
Garage-triggered rules

- Garage-triggered light
- Garage opening-triggered light on/off/dim
- Garage closing-triggered light on/off/dim
- Garage opening-triggered color light change
- Garage closing-triggered color light change
Gate-triggered rules

- Gate-triggered light
- Gate opening-triggered light on/off/dim
- Gate closing-triggered light on/off/dim
- Gate opening-triggered color light change
- Gate closing-triggered color light change
Location-triggered rules

- Location-triggered light
- Location-triggered light on/off/dim
- Location-triggered color light change
Doorbell-triggered rules

- Doorbell-triggered light
- Doorbell button press-triggered light on/off/dim
- Doorbell button press-triggered color light change
- Doorbell motion detection-triggered light on/off/dim
- Doorbell motion detection-triggered color light change
Create an automation rule using the New Rules Builder
To create an automation rule using the New Rules Builder on the app:
- Log into the app.
- Tap
- Tap Automation.
- Tap
to create a new rule.
- Enter a name for the new rule.
- Next to when, tap Select.
- Tap the trigger device type, then tap Next.
- Select the trigger device(s) and trigger action, then tap Done.
- Next to then, tap Select.
- Select the automation device, then tap Next.
- Select the automation action, then tap Done.
- If desired, next to Run at all times, tap Select to edit when the rule will run.
- Tap to select At All Times for the rule will be carried out any time of day.
- Tap to select Only during the following times to determine the specific days and times the rule will be carried out.
- In Day(s), tap to select the days the rule will be active.
- Using the Starting at dropdown menu, tap the start time for this rule.
- Using the Ending at dropdown menu, tap the end time for this rule.
- After selecting times for the rule to run, tap Done.
- Verify the rule is configured with the correct settings.
- Tap Save.
To create an automation rule using the New Rules Builder on the customer website:
- Log into the customer website.
- Click Automation.
- Click Add New Rule.
- Click New Rules Builder.
- In the Name of rule field, enter a name for the rule.
- Click when to select the trigger device and action.
- Select the trigger device, then click Next.
- Select the trigger action, then click Done.
- Click then to select the automation device and trigger.
- Select the automation device, then click Next.
- Select the automation action, then click Done.
- If desired, click Run at All Times to edit when the rule will run.
- Click to select At All Times for the rule will be carried out any time of day.
- Click to select Only during the following times to determine the specific days and times the rule will be carried out.
- In Day(s), click to select the days the rule will be active.
- Using the Starting at dropdown menu, select the start time for this rule.
- Using the Ending at dropdown menu, select the end time for this rule.
- After selecting times for the rule to run, click Done.
- Verify the rule is configured with the correct settings.
- Click Save.