Create a Driver Behavior Alerts notification
This notification alerts users of excessive speed, sudden acceleration, or hard braking.
Create a Driver Behavior Alerts notification
To create a Driver Behavior Alerts notification using the app:
- Log into the app.
- Tap .
- Tap Notifications.
- Tap .
- Tap.
- Tap to expand Use A Template.
- In Cars, tap to select Driver Behavior Alerts.
- Enter the desired name for the notification rule.
- In When these cars, tap to select which car should trigger the notification.
- Tap to select which events should be reported. Events include:
- Excessive Speed
- Sudden Acceleration
- Hard Braking
- In During this time frame, tap to select either:
- At all times to receive a notification every time the selected sensors are opened or activated.
- Only during the following times to specify a specific time to receive notifications when the selected sensors are opened or activated.
- In Notification Filtering, either leave both boxes uncheck to prevent filtering or tap to configure the following:
- Do not send notifications that occur within [a specified amount of time] since the last notification
- Do not send notifications with any of the following Geo-Devices are inside the selected Geo-Fence
- In Recipients, tap Add to choose notification recipients.
- Tap the entries in the Address book that are to be notified, or tap Add Contact to add a new Address Book entry.
- Tap Close.
- Verify the notification is configured with the correct settings.
- Tap Save.
To create a Driver Behavior Alerts notification using the customer website:
- Log into the customer website.
- Click Notifications.
- Click New Notification.
- Click Cars.
- Click Driver Behavior Alerts.
- Enter the desired name for the notification rule.
- In When these cars, click to select which car should trigger the notification.
- Click to select which events should be reported. Events include:
- Excessive Speed
- Sudden Acceleration
- Hard Braking
- In During this time frame, click to select either:
- At all times to receive a notification every time a selected event is reported.
- Only during the following times to specify a specific time to receive notifications when the selected events are reported.
- In Notification Filtering, either leave both boxes uncheck to prevent filtering or click to configure the following:
- Do not send notifications that occur within a specified amount of time since the last notification
- Do not send notifications with any of the following Geo-Devices are inside the selected Geo-Fence
- In Recipients, click Add to choose notification recipients.
- Click the entries in the Address book that are to be notified, or click New to add a new Address Book entry.
- Click Close.
- Verify the notification is configured with the correct settings.
- Click Save.